Wednesday 10 May 2017

VIDEO SUMMARY:Great Human Odyssey


BS16110701 LIM RUI QI





    Walaupun berbeza keluarga tetapi dibawah kulit setiap manusia didunia ini terdapat DNA yang berbeza kerana kita datang daripada spesies yang sama iaitu homosapiens. Meraka yang terdahulu tidak meninggalkan sebarang bukti kewujudan mereka melalui media massa akan tetapi, mereka meninggalkan rangka tulang mereka sebagai bukti kewujudan dan ciri-ciri orang terdahulu. Mereka hidup secara berpindah randah. Mereak perlu memantau seluruh kawasan untuk meningkatkan nilai kehidupan dan memperbanyakkan bekalan makanan untuk teruskan kehidupan. Manusia mempunyai kebolehan untuk hidup di mana-mana sahaja walaupun berbeza cuaca. Mereka boleh menyesuaikan diri di pelbagai tempat. Spesies yang diberi nama Lucy telah dikenalpasti. Spesies ini mempunyai otak yang besarnya hanyalah sebesar buah oren, dia memanjat pokok seperti beruk. Struktur tubuh badan juga seakan-akan seperti beruk. Mereka memerlukan banyak makanan yang berasaskan daging untuk membesarkan otak kerana otak manusia memerlukan tenaga untuk memikirkan sesuatu perkara. Bagi ahli arkeologi, kerangka manusia amatlah penting bagi mereka untuk menentukan tahun keujudan mereka. Orang terdhulu bijak dalam membuat senjata untuk memburu. Mereka memburu bersama-sama, mereka juga berani bersaing dengan haiwan pemangsa seperti harimau dan singa. Ahli Antropologi mempunyai masalah dalam memahami kuasa yang ada pada homo sapiens spesies, kuasa fizikal dan paling utama adalah kuasa minda. Pada suatu hari, terjadi satu perubahan cuaca yang amat kritikal sehingga menyebabkan bekalan makanan dan minuman berkurangan. Mereka masih boleh meneruskan kehidupan dengna menggunakan cara tradisional. Mereka melakukan pemburuan secara berterusan untuk memastikan bekalan makanan mereka mencukupi supaya mereka tidak berlaparan. Malah manusia tidak dilahirkan sebagai pemburu yang hebat tetapi mereka mempunyai kemahiran dalam membina senjata untuk memburu. Petempatan di tepi laut amatlah dijadikan tumpuan utama bagi manusia terdahulu keran di situ terdapat sumber protein seperti ikan. Selain dari makanan laut disitu juga lah mereka memperolehi makanan yang berasaskan daging. Hanya manusia sahaja yang mampu membina teknologi dengan kemahiran yang ada pada dirinya. Kesimpulannya, manusia haruslah menguasai sesuatu kemahiran sebelum meninggalkan sesuatu kawasan. Manusia juga haruslah menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran.

  2. CHAN HUI MIN BS16110374

    Our ancestors migrate and spread into every corner of the globe. Human beings may look different from each other and have vary shades of colour, but actually our DNA only vary a tiny fraction from one another because we are all of the same species known as the Homosapiens. Our species has the unique ability to live in almost everywhere in any climate and temperature. According to anthropologists, high physical and especially mental powers make human beings as incredible construction Homosapiens. The San Bushmen in Kalahari desert have clearly retain the kind of adaptability our ancestors have possessed to survive in such dry environment. Although it is difficult to tell how extensively the ancient South Africans forged the deep ocean, but they clearly gathered enough food to sustain and even grow their populations. People's lives became more stable and this gave them time to think, to create and pass knowledge from one generation to another. Everyone's genome contains its evolutionary history read in DNA. From small group of hundred gatherers living in Southern Africa, our ancestors had eventually reached every place on Earth, along with achievements impossible for us to imagine in every journey. Anthropologists even describe Homosapien as an crazy animal that do things which we don't believe they are possible. Human beings are all related to Homosapiens and are actually genetically almost identical. Evolution has cause human beings to have high adaptability from our ancestors until the current generations although some species may not survive throughout this process due to various factors.


    The evolution of human were said to had began from the Africa. Where it was said that long time ago the different countries that we have today used to be connected as one before it was separated due to the natural phenomena happening in the environment. Human beings are labelled as a unique species as we have the ability to live in almost everywhere despite the changes in climate and temperature. Through this, people all around the world today has different way of living their lives. From the video we can see that the people from the olden day that lives in a region where it only rains for 2-3 months a year has different way of coping with the dry season and their survival skills to fulfill their daily needs such as food and water. While the people that lives in a region where it snows for almost throughout the year also has different way of surviving the cold weather. Another obvious differences between our ancestor and the modern people now are the technologies used. For example, in the olden days they used animals skin to build houses, clothes and also as a source of food for people living in a cold region. Whereas people living in a dry region build hunting tools made from woods and hunts for food. Thus, we can say that the adaptation of people to the constantly changing environment results in the distribution and evolution of human with different skin colours, cultures, religions and so on throughout the globe. Besides that, through the amazing discoveries of the researchers, we get to learn about the origins of our ancestors and the world.

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  5. Naddia binti Fung Ah Chon (BS16110581)

    Dokumentari ini menceritakan mengenai kehebatan manusia terdahulu dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran di bumi dan berjaya untuk terus hidup dalam serba kekurangan. Seterusnya, para saintis ini juga berusaha untuk merungkai bagaimana manusia beradaptasi dan memahami evolusi manusia yang kompleks ini melalui tulang-tulang manusia terdahulu serta tinggalan peralatan yang mereka cipta. Kehebatan akal manusia yang dianugerahkan oleh Tuhan untuk berfikir membantu mereka dalam penyelesaian masalah yang mereka hadapi dan mengatur strategi untuk terus hidup. Sebagai contoh, manusia mampu hidup dalam pelbagai keadaan dan mengunakan sumber yang terdapat dipersekitaran dengan bijak. Manusia mampu hidup dalam keadaan cuaca yang sangat panas iaitu di Kalahari yang tidak diturui hujan selama kira-kira 9 bulan. Namun, dengan adanya pengetahuan untuk terus hidup mereka mencari tumbuhan yang dikenali sebagai ubi air(water tuber) yang perlu dikupas dan diperah untuk mendapatkan air untuk diminum. Selain itu, mereka juga mengumpul dan menyimpan air di dalam telur burung unta. Manakala, manusia yang hidup di kawasan yang sejuk cuba untuk terus hidup dengan menjadikan bulu haiwan seperti rusa sebagai baju. Manakala, daging rusa tersebut dijadikan sumber makanan utama. Selain itu, manusia terdahulu juga mengembara ataupun berpindah ke suatu tempat yang lain dengan mencipta perahu yang diperbuat daripada kayu yang dikitar semula dan kulit haiwan. Bukan itu sahaja, nenek moyang kita juga merupakan generasi yang hebat dimana mereka menggunakan sepenuh kemampuan mereka untuk terus hidup. Sebagai contoh, mereka mampu memburu dengan hanya menggunakan lembing dan sangat hebat menyelam di laut dalam untuk menangkap ikan. Keupayaan mereka agak luar biasa ini membuatkan saya kagum dimana mereka mampu menyelam di laut tanpa bantuan bekalan oksigen, beradaptasi di kawasan yang mempunyai iklim yang ekstrem dan mencipta peralatan daripada batu serta berterusan mencipta inovasi sehingga kita mempunyai teknologi moden yang serba canggih pada masa kini.

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  7. Based on the Great Human Odyssey that I had watched, I can tell that the video actually told us about the human origin and how they spread to the whole world by migration. This video also told us about how they can survive even under the condition that we would think no one will survive. For example, the place where there were no sufficient food and drinks for them, under cold temperature and high temperature. But, based on this video, it shows that our ancestor are really creative and they manage to survive even though in the hard condition. But, as a soil scientist, I looked through this video by observing it through the soil science perspective.
    At the beginning of the video, it already showed something that were related to the soil science when it showed erosion process at place where Niobe Thomson’s (anthropologist) are visiting. Weathering process is a significant process in the soil science. This is because soil that are present today had come from the weathering and erosions of rocks and soils long time ago. In this video, it was said that our species had survive because there are resources. Resource that was meant here is the foods and drinks. These food and drinks are from the plant, animals and also groundwater. From here, we knew that if there is no soil, then there are no food for all the living animals. This is because the foods that our species or human were originated from soils where they can grow. For instance, plants. If there are no soils, there are no plants and if here is no plant there is no food as the plant is the primary resources of food. This video also shows the conditions of the soil at the desert. In the desert, the soils were found to be dry and have a lot of sands. This is probably because of the climate. Climate have the affection to the soils since it is included in the soil factors of soil formation which is the biota, climate, topography, time and the parent material of the soil.
    In this video, it was said that our ancestors started in Africa as they have found some artifacts like the stone tools there that were once used by them. This stone tools here proved that weathering process also helped by the living organisms not just the animals and plants but also the human. This is because they have used the rocks to make something useful for their lives by breaking them. Thus, this shows that they also helped in the process of weathering of the rocks.
    In the Northern Ethiopia area in this video, it shows that this place have a dry climate. Thus, the soil that exist there are have lower moisture content. Then, when there are lower moisture content in soils, not all plants can grows, just the plant that were adapted to the condition. Since the sediments are dry and there are a lot of winds there, wind erosion could dominate the areas. Thus, the condition of soil in this northern Ethiopia actually can explain the by the wind erosions. The soils at there are dry not just because of the climate, but also the texture of the soil. Since there are a lot of sand soils in that area, the water from the rainfall could not held so much water. This is because the soils are very porous and it makes the water to flow faster to the groundwater. No plants but many sands in this area could be because of the wind erosions. This is because the erodibility of the soil is high, the surface of the soil is low, the soil moisture is low, no windbreaks making the fine soil transported further and lack of vegetation.
    In a nutshell, as I watched this video in the perspective of soil scientist, I can say that most of the soil shown in this video are related with the erosions and weathering of the soils, what contribute to the process and the effect of climate to the soils.
