Wednesday 10 May 2017

Video Summary: Origin of Life - How Life Started on Earth


BS16110645 NG XUN LE
BS16110511 MAR EE-WON


BS16110706 NGO YI HONG


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    In order to determine the origin of life, scientist all over the world are investigating in many different ways such as by studying life on our own planet, seeking out life or fossils life on our own planets, moons or other planets that exist in our solar system and by detecting life outside of the planet Earth. By far, the nearest approach has been to examine life is on our own planet. We all know that life began at least 3.5 billion years ago and this can be proved by the age of the oldest rocks that has been found. These types of rocks that has been found are rare because geologic process involved are important where it often destroy older rocks while making a new one. Rocks and minerals are very crucial in determining the origin of life as they influence the early life on Earth as the minerals surfaces act as a protector, organisers and making template and thus, it is the fundamental characteristic of life. The miller – Urey that has been conducted in this video provided the first evidence that support Charles Darwin theory that organic molecules needed for life could be formed from inorganic compounds. Once it formed, these organic molecules which is the building block of life could have come together to form polymers such as proteins or RNA. This RNA theory are most favourable amongst the scientist rather than DNA as the first genetic molecule of life on Earth. Other theories that were being speculated among the researchers is that organic compounds might have been delivered to early Earth by meteorites and other space objects. In a conclusion, every step through the Earth’s evolution, minerals and life has a chemical interaction that made the Earth to what it is today.

  5. Ngo Yi Hong
    This video is talking about the Important of rock, and mineral origin of life, it is a key to every living thing of earth, Origin and evolution, signature of life, through the Rocky cycle, we know How life come from molten rock. Rock play an very fundamental role to the origin of life. Rock depend on life, life depend on rock. History of earth start from 4.5 billion years ago. Earth are divided into 6 stages. Stages 1 is the creation of black earth, Created from rock and dust present in the space in the solar system. Over time, Small fragment of rock collide coming together to form a asteroid. At first, earth is molten with 1000 degree, but with the cold vacuum space, this hard rock began to cool and change. There is No life can survive on the black earth. In this stage, Volcano spill hard lava from the deeper site of planet. It seems like a dust landscape. Rock are made up of mostly minerals. With the intensive heat and pressure, new minerals are begin to form. The earth is change From black to grey. Come to the Stage 2, Granite become the foundation leading earth into the grey period. Water will turn earth blue, water is also the Element key to life. Organic compound usually associate with life. It form amino acid, a building of life, it form protein which a the key to form muscle, people believe it is the key step to the origin of life. Inside the deep sea, there a also a sign of life, When the rock put under the high pressure, the atom reform a new organic molecule, including amino acid. We are finally beginning to understand the secret of role mineral to the life origin. They provide some of the ingredient and surface where important chemical reaction to take place. RUTH BLAKE, from Yale University looking for chemical signature of life left by microbe. Stage 3 is green and Stage 4 is red. Those harmless microbe floating in the water starting to change, turning earth to red. Stage 5 is white, it is Frozen, in this frozen condition, life is nearly wipe down. Fortunately, active volcano still pill create a lot of CO2, this can heat and secure life, it creates global warming and earth melted. Life is there.



    Minerals are present in living beings. We need them to stay alive; rocks the fundamental role to the evolution of life. Geologist Robert Hazen has divided Earth into 6 stages to reveal the relationship between life and rocks. The creation of Black Earth suggested meteorites collide with orbiting rocks to form molten Earth where cold space cools Earth to form a layer of basalt. In the intense heat and pressure, new minerals began to form and change the appearance of Earth to gray covered by granite; Gray Earth. Rocks hold clues to the third stage, era of Blue Earth, the first source of Earth’s water. Comets, primarily tiny ice comets, collided with earth incorporate water into the proto-planet during the process. Earth surface then cooled enough allowed for water to exist. Volcanic de-gassing - N, CO2, water vapour, atmosphere primary constituents then - and through chemical weathering (CO2 combines with water to form carbonic acid) dissolves rocks releasing minerals into oceans. Deep in the ocean floors, there is proof that life exists without sunlight from the venting of deep sea volcanoes. Further proof is the discovery of fossilized sea-floor containing stromatolite fossils that suggest photosynthesizing. Proliferation of microbes on abundant stromatolite fossils turned Earth into red (conversion of sunlight to energy). Microbes die as oxygen rise. The new oxygen reacted to iron in the oceans and began to rust and sank into the bottom. The burial of carbon and release of oxygen and formation of water vapour led to the decrease of atmospheric CO2. Continents are then form and broke apart which created extreme climate change. Reduction of CO2 in atmosphere plunge the earth into an icy freeze; White Earth. Life was nearly wiped out if it were not for active volcano erupting to keep heat in and resuscitate life as the planet melts. Cycles of these conditions result in more oxygen to the Green Earth we are living today.

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  10. NG SEAN FONG BS16110578

    This video discusses about the importance of rocks and its role in the formation of life on Earth. About 4.5 billion years ago, Earth was formed with only approximately 200 minerals present. Today there are over 5000 minerals on Earth today that are being used by mankind for the advancement of their civilisation. Besides providing vital elements that helped to kick start life on Earth as we know it, the surface of the rock also acts as a catalyst of sorts in the formation of amino acids, an organic compound that is vital in the appearance of life. Then all these organic compounds in the presence of water, microorganisms began to appear. Then about 700 million years later, the first phototrophs showed up. They used the Sun’s rays to produce food and oxygen. The surge in the production of oxygen caused all the iron on the Earth’s surface to be oxidised and turn into iron oxide. The production of oxygen is extremely important as oxidation gave rise to various other kinds of minerals. As a matter of fact, 66% of all minerals existing today were introduced after the production of oxygen. After some time, the continents on Earth broke apart, triggering a planetwide change in climate which resulted in the Ice Age. However, the volcanoes are still active and still expel heated greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide which gradually warmed the planet back up. As Earth warms up, more phototrophs appeared and started producing oxygen again. With an increase in oxygen content in the atmosphere, large creatures can exist such as the trilobite, a bug that lives on the seabed. With that, life on Earth began to become more and more diverse and complex until it became the Earth that we know of today.

  11. Life has began since 4.5 billion years ago . Hazen stated on his research that the Earth have 6 stages with different colours of each earth. The creation of Earth start with the first stage called Black Earth and ended with Green Earth where it is the last stage that where we live in now. In Morocco, Hazen and Adam Aronson as professional geologist seek for a meteorites rocks that fallen in space. Meteorites rocks are the oldest rock in our solar system. It has created about 4.6 bilions years ago. The atmosphere of early began with different gases like ammonia and methane .Miller and Urey carried an Miller-Urey experiment to prove origin of life. They decided to use a spark simulate lightning because that is such a ubiquitous process in the atmosphere of the earth. The energy from the lighting break down gas and water molecules so it can undergo further chemical reaction. After a few days pink colour developed. Then followed by black oliy around the electrode. The elecrode covered by new subtances. The subtance was amino acids that make protein the ingredients for a life. Proteins are the key component of muscles and tissues.Hazen stated the most chemical process occurs at surfaces are same as in surface our cell body. The mineral sort of replaced surface are the component that work in our body. Life and rock are totally intertwined through billion years of earth history.

    Life has began since 4.5 billion years ago . Hazen stated on his research that the Earth have 6 stages with different colour of each earth. The creation of Earth start with the first stage called Black Earth and ended with Green Earth where it is the last stage that where we live in now. In Morocco, Hazen and Adam Aronson as professional geologist seek for a meteorites rocks that fallen in space. Meteorites rocks are the oldest rock in our solar system. It has created about 4.6 bilions years ago. The atmosphere of early began with different gases like ammonia and methane .Miller and Urey carried an Miller-Urey experiment to prove origin of life. They decided to use a spark simulate lightning because that is such a ubiquitous process in the atmosphere of the earth. The energy from the lighting break down gas and water molecules so it can undergo further chemical reaction. After a few days colour pink developed. Then followed by black oily around the electrode. The elecrode covered by new subtances. The subtance was amino acids that make protein the ingredients for a life. Proteins are the key component of muscles and tissues. Hazen stated the most chemical process occurs at surfaces are same as in surface our cell body. The mineral sort of replaced surface are the component that work in our body. Life and rock are totally intertwined through billion years of earth history.

  13. Renumathi a/p Govindasamy
    From the video I can summarise that rock play an important role in the origin of life. Rocks are made up of minerals which is crystals like quartz and diamonds. There are six stages where the earth ended up with green planet. First stages the earth in black colour where it is covered by basalt that is spewed hot lava from volcanoes. Then it changes to grey in colour formation of new minerals due to hot temperature and pressure . It is known as grey period. Then the earth covered by water which turns earth to blue in colour. In water there is minerals called zircon which telling us the earth is a habitable environment. Earth atmosphere would have been composed of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water vapour which breaks down by sparks or lightning and after for a couple day produce organic compounds which is amino acids. Clay is made up of some common minerals. The earliest evidence for life on earth comes from stromatolites that preserved in ancient rock. These fossils are of structures known as stromatolites, which are, in many cases, formed by the growth of layer upon layer of single-celled microbes, such as cyanobacteria. The microbes produced oxygen that react with iron and begun to rust. So that the earth change from blue to red due to a lot of iron react with oxygen and become rust. Then next phase formed and break apart wchich creates dramatic extremes and turns to quite phase. Due to more oxygen the earth change from quite phase to present phase where filled with diverse plants and spectacular creatures. Other than that it proved by finding the trilobite which is oldest animal preserved.
