There were 5 soil samples taken from different places used in this mini project. Soil sample A is taken from the FSSA compound, B is from the Eco Campus Garden, soil sample C is from Sepanggar, whereas soil sample D and soil sample E are obtained from Eco Campus Lake and Telipok respectively.
Based on the results obtained, soil sample A is identified as sandy loam from the soil textural triangle test with 28.21% water holding capacity. The pH meter reading for this soil sample is 6.21. The macronutrient analysis also showed that the concentration of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulphur in soil sample A are 6.50 mg/L, 1.19 mg/L, and 31 mg/L respectively. Also, this soil sample is a well-graded soil according to the sieve analysis. There were no abnormalities in terms of heavy metals concentration as well. The growth rate of Padi Huma Taragang in this soil is estimated about 7% per day which is the second highest among the five samples, with zero mortality rate. The plants also showed no visible deficiency symptoms.
Based on the results obtained, soil sample A is identified as sandy loam from the soil textural triangle test with 28.21% water holding capacity. The pH meter reading for this soil sample is 6.21. The macronutrient analysis also showed that the concentration of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulphur in soil sample A are 6.50 mg/L, 1.19 mg/L, and 31 mg/L respectively. Also, this soil sample is a well-graded soil according to the sieve analysis. There were no abnormalities in terms of heavy metals concentration as well. The growth rate of Padi Huma Taragang in this soil is estimated about 7% per day which is the second highest among the five samples, with zero mortality rate. The plants also showed no visible deficiency symptoms.
textural triangle test showed that soil sample
B is categorised as silt loam. Its water holding capacity is 8.69% which is
the lowest of them all. The pH meter reading for this soil sample is 5.38
whereas the concentration of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulphur are 1.90 mg/L,
0.91 mg/L, and 70 mg/L respectively. Like soil sample A, this soil is also
well-graded. The concentrations of heavy metals for this soil sample is also in
the safe range. The Padi Huma Taragang
plants growing in this soil have 7.6% growth rate in 14 days which is also the
highest as compared to the plants growing in the other four soil samples. The mortality
rate for the paddy plants growing in this soil is 0%, and there were also no
apparent deficiency symptoms shown.
Soil sample C on the other hand is categorised as pure
sand with water holding capacity of 11.11%, the second lowest after soil sample
B. Its pH meter reading is 6.36, and the concentration of Nitrogen, Phosphorus,
and Sulphur are 1.70 mg/L, 0.33 mg/L, and 9 mg/L respectively. The result of
sieve analysis for this soil revealed that this type of soil is very
poorly-graded which meant that it is more susceptible to soil liquefaction. Soil
liquefaction is a phenomenon in which the soil behaves like liquid when stress
is applied, as the soil loses strength and stiffness. The result of heavy
metals analysis is also normal. Although the concentration of Calcium (Ca) in
this soil is significantly high, it still falls in the normal and acceptable
range, which would not pose direct harm to the plants grown in it. The growth rate
of Padi Huma Taragang grown in this
soil sample is 3.1% per day, lower than that of soil samples A, B, and E. The
mortality rate is zero, but a couple of deficiency symptoms were observed on
the leaves, namely rust-like spots, as well as discolouration and dead leaves
tips. From the symptoms, we agreed that these paddy plants are suffering from
rust disease, and have Sulphur deficiency.
soil sample D is clay loam as seen
from the soil textural triangle test. The water holding capacity of this soil
sample is 163.16%, the greatest among all five soil samples tested. The pH for
this soil sample is also the lowest among the others which is 4.76, the most
acidic. However, the concentrations of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulphur are
3.00 mg/L, 0.90 mg/L, and 46 mg/L, are higher than that of soil sample C. Based
on sieve analysis result, this soil sample is categorised as a well-graded
soil. From the heavy metals analysis, it can be seen that the concentrations of
tested elements are within the safe range. The growth rate of the paddy plants
is the smallest in this soil sample, which is only 1.8% per day in 14 days. Throughout
the mini project period, several paddy plants died resulting in 22.9% mortality
rate. Deficiency symptoms were also observed which are slow plant growth,
leaves are thin and smaller, shorter shoots compared to same plants growing in
other soil samples, and the most significant one is the yellowing of tips,
becomes brown as it spreads to the whole leaves then down to the stem, making
the whole plant dry. Based on the symptoms shown, we concluded that there is a shortage
of Nitrogen supply in the plants.
soil sample E is categorised as a
type of loam with a pH of 6.63, the closest to neutral among the soil samples. The
water holding capacity for this soil sample is 72.41%. Its concentrations of
Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulphur are 7.00 mg/L, 0.97 mg/L, and 15 mg/L
respectively. The sieve analysis result, just like soil samples A, B, and D,
showed that this soil sample is classed as a well-graded soil. Paddy plants in
this soil also showed moderately good growth rate of 6.2% every day. Even though
the overall health of the paddy plants were considered excellent, a few
deficiency symptoms were seen mainly on the leaves. The symptoms are lesions
developing in elongated blotches, and dead spots are found where the lesions
are. By doing some researches on the symptoms shown, we concluded that paddy
plants growing in soil sample E are infected by a disease commonly known as the Helminthosporium
leaf blights. This disease is caused by aggressive pathogens, B. sorokiniana and P. tritici-repentis and typically grow rapidly in temperate area
with humid weather.
sum up, we have concluded that all the physical and chemical properties of soil
analysed, both have direct as well as indirect effects or relationships to the
paddy plants overall growth and health. Macronutrient content in a soil and their
availability to the plants are also affected by the number of plants growing in
the pot, because of competition among them. Although soil sample E is thought
to have the most ideal soil pH for growing Padi
Huma Taragang, it is not exactly true based on its plants progress and
growth throughout the month. Thus, it is important to consider all aspects
from the physical properties to chemical properties before deciding which soil
is actually fit to grow desired crops. When it comes to soil particles size
distribution, particle shape and angularity definitely affect the macroscopic
behavior of soils, they are very difficult to quantify. Hence these measures
are not used in practice nearly as often as particle size distributions and
related grading coefficients. Soil texture is not only a reflection of the
particle size distribution of a soil, it also affects nutrient availability in
soil to the plants. One of the examples is low Potassium (K) availability to
the plants are more apparent in soils with poor drainage, smaller soil
particles. Also, the higher the percentage of silt and clay sized particles,
the higher the water holding capacity as they have larger surface area which
means C.E.C of the particular soil is greater.
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