Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Group Bunga Telang Week 1

WEEK 1 (BUNGA TELANG) - Lab of tuesday

26 April : after 1 week of the tree planting

  • The seeds of each pot start to germinate on 21 April.
  • The soil pH is 5.38
  • The soil texture which results from the composition of soil is sand- 2.0cm, silt- 1.0cm 
  • Regular watering was done every weekday twice a day which is at 10 am & 1 pm. 
  • Each pot of the plant was put outside the lab every day so that the plant have enough sunlight uptake.

Pot 4 of Bunga Telang shows the best growth as can be seen on the picture below where the shoots of the plant grow upward and has the highest germination rate.

 Germination rate: 80%
Pot 4

The another 4 pot of the plant as shown in picture below:

 Germination rate: 50%
 Germnation rate: 60%

 Germination rate: 40%

 Germination rate: 70%

1 comment:

  1. Suggestion.
    Everyday turn the position of the pot , so all the plants can received light.
