Thursday, 20 April 2017

Soil Types Distribution Presentation

(1) Find a good map which you can draw a good soil order distribution of assigned country.

(2) On separate map, show common vegetation distribution of assigned country.

(3) Describe the type of soil order which can be found at the assigned country. 

(4) Explain the soil order category.

(5) What kind of agriculture is suitable for this soil type.

(6)Discuss 3 main agriculture products of the country (which region?).

(7)Discuss how genetic and environmental factor (e.g. climate,topography) affect physical (e.g. colour, texture), chemical (pH) and biological properties (e.g. vegetation) of that country soil type.

Hint: Soil is always changing

(8)Give at least 3 examples of soil profile from the country. Pinpoint the location of this soil profile on the country map. 

(9)Now that you understand the soil type of this country, suggest what kind of management practices  are required to ensure sustainable agriculture.

The presentation does not need to follow the order as above. But can be arranged according to the flow of your presentation suitability. You can also add any related information as well so all can learn together.

Presentation Date: 28th April 2017
Venue: BT 11
Time : 8.00AM~11:00AM (will continue at 2:00PM if not enough time in the morning)
Presentation duration for each group: 15 minutes.

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